Tell Me Everything: How to get the good stories

January 6th, 2015

getting good stories

Wanna know a trick for finding the best stories? Let me tell you a story… I have a tradition with my 17 year old niece. When she was 11, I was hanging out with her and her BFF after a holiday party her dad had. They wanted me to drive them to Dairy Queen. I…


That quirky thing you don’t want anyone to know about you

December 12th, 2014

be quirky be you

Let me tell you something about myself: I’m kinda quiet. A little bit intense. You could say I’m a shy introvert. I’ve been told more than once that I seem aloof. Sometimes I can’t think of anything to say. When I work with girls I tell them that when I was their age I would…


How to Capture the Hearts of Your Audience: Yes, this really happened

November 14th, 2014

alone in a crowd

Wanna know a great way to connect with your audience and show them that yes indeed, you too are an imperfect human? Tell them about the time you got caught with your pants down. Here’s a little story:  I was invited to be a Featured Attendee at the Success 3.0 Summit in Boulder last week….


What Makes A Story A Story: “And then a bottle of kombucha fell from the sky”

October 10th, 2014


Yesterday I was sitting in a coffee shop that had the entire front wall open onto the sidewalk. My table was near the open wall, so I was practically on the sidewalk. It was rainy outside, but I was dry inside. A guy walked by minding his own business and suddenly a glass bottle of…


Truth or Dare: 4 ways to crack that debilitating fear

September 30th, 2014

speaking the truth

I’m writing this post while driving down a Wyoming highway in an RV. I got invited to go to Yellowstone for a few days, and seeing as I’ve never traveled in an RV before nor have I ever been to Yellowstone, I said yes. I’m traveling with 3 friends—one old friend, two relatively new. One…


What I learned in jail: 3 powerful steps to SELL anything

August 1st, 2014

No, I’ve never actually been convicted of a crime or done time in jail, but I do work occasionally as an actor with Colorado Police Departments. I work  as a role-player in Crisis Intervention Trainings and help cops learn skills for offering resource to people with mental illness in crisis. (That’s a picture of me…


Speaking the Unspeakable

April 11th, 2014

I spent last week at an awesome event, the Conference on World Affairs, which happens every April here in Boulder. For a week, a bunch of smart people get together and talk about cool things. And it’s free. I love it. There are hundreds of panels to choose from, so I’ve found the best way…


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