Impact your audience: What’s your one thing?

May 29th, 2016

I’ve been thinking about you. Wondering how life is going in the world of a brave speaker who wants to impact your audience in a big way. Even if you don’t always feel brave, my friend, I know you are. A lot of the people who work with me know they have a powerful message…


3 ways to grow confidence and clarity as a speaker

April 29th, 2016

One of the coolest parts of my job is that I get to hang out with smart people who are deeply passionate about what they do. But even the smartest and most passionate people (like you) get up close and personal with some mighty demons when they decide to put themselves out as a speaker….


How to make your public speaking fear irrelevant

June 12th, 2015

I’ll cut to the chase: It’s not about you. “What do you mean it’s not about me?” you might be saying. “I’m the one getting up there putting my heart on the line and telling the world the thing I’ve been too scared to tell even my best friend or my mom. Of course it’s…


10 steps to get to the heart of your message

May 4th, 2015

I confess. Sometimes when I write this blog, my inner demons get in the way and I forget that I have anything of value to say. Then I realize–hey I’ve heard my clients say THAT before. Like a hundred million times. Is that you? You have this passion but you can’t find the words? You…


Engage your audience with these 5 tips

March 14th, 2015

engaged audience

Ever wonder about the best ways to engage your audience when you speak? Having trouble keeping them from falling asleep or checking their phones or slipping out the back door before you’ve even gotten to the good stuff? Here are 5 things to try next time you get out there and share your message with…


4 mindset shifts for delivering your kick-ass talk

February 1st, 2015

mindset shifts kickass talk

My mind can often be my own worst enemy–telling me lies about myself, talking me out of taking risks, or wanting to go into hiding after I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone. If you have similar adventures with your mind, here are some key mindset shifts that will get under that nasty (but well-meaning)…


Truth or Dare: 4 ways to crack that debilitating fear

September 30th, 2014

speaking the truth

I’m writing this post while driving down a Wyoming highway in an RV. I got invited to go to Yellowstone for a few days, and seeing as I’ve never traveled in an RV before nor have I ever been to Yellowstone, I said yes. I’m traveling with 3 friends—one old friend, two relatively new. One…


5 mindset shifts to bring more of yourself to the stage

September 4th, 2014

authentic public speaking

Used to be I thought I was the only one scared of public speaking. I thought nobody could possibly be as life-or-death scared, nervous, or awkward, hiding in the bathroom with my head hanging over the toilet ready to throw up. But since I’ve made friends with my own fear, and have been helping other…


The one thing you need to do right before you walk on stage: You’re gonna love this

August 15th, 2014

Has this happened to you? You’re about to give a speech. You start out feeling only slightly terrified, but as you draw closer to the Moment Of Truth, you convince yourself the audience is gonna hate it. You have mapped out every thought they could possibly have about you. “She sucks. She shouldn’t be up…


What I learned in jail: 3 powerful steps to SELL anything

August 1st, 2014

No, I’ve never actually been convicted of a crime or done time in jail, but I do work occasionally as an actor with Colorado Police Departments. I work  as a role-player in Crisis Intervention Trainings and help cops learn skills for offering resource to people with mental illness in crisis. (That’s a picture of me…


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