October 18th, 2013
I’m still coming down from an inspiring weekend at the Emerging Women Live conference here in Boulder, where a line-up of powerful women one after another graced the stage. Over and over I saw the power of the spoken word, and was moved by each woman who shared her story and her thinking and her particular her-ness on stage.
One thing I learned after watching three days of speeches:
There is no cookie-cutter approach
to a powerful speech.
Eve Ensler told it like it is with her poetic vision.
Cristine Kane went totally blank mid-speech, forgot what she was going to say, got a line cue from her assistant sitting in the front row, and the audience cheered for the authenticity of the moment.
Sera Beak stood behind a podium and read her speech from a notebook in a rather small voice–OK I confess I really wanted to coach her into accessing more power through her voice, but even with her apparently timid style, her presence was stunning and she delivered her message with her own brand of gusto.
There are many ways to deliver a message that invites your audience to say “Yes!” and “Tell me more.”
I want to help you find yours. Which is why I’m here to remind you about my new offering:
for professionals and entrepreneurs
(and anyone who wants to speak with more power and presence)
starting next Wednesday October 23.
It will be 6 power-packed weeks of exercises and practice opportunities to help you deliver your message with strength and heart, so you can more powerfully reach the people you’re meant to serve.
Wanna talk with me first?
Click here to access my online calendar and set up a time to chat.
Hope to see you soon!
Pssst… There’s a Story Slam this coming Sunday night, October 20, 7pm at Shine. The theme is HAUNTED. You’re coming, right?
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