You do amazing work. You change lives. And besides that, you love it. It brings you to life. You get in your genius zone and there’s no turning back.
You know what it’s like when you connect with a client YOU KNOW you can help. It’s like magic. A match made in heaven.
But you’re kinda having a hard time finding that person.
The clients aren’t rolling in the way you wish they were.
“But I’m doing everything right!” you say.
You’ve got a (mostly) great website. You’ve (pretty much) honed your elevator pitch. You (sometimes) go to networking events. You’re the real deal. You don’t do that thing of smearing your sales pitch all over unsuspecting customers.
That’s not you. No way. You make real connections.
I suspect you’re here because you know that if you want to serve,
you gotta sell what you serve.
No big secret. It’s not rocket science:
Get in front of a roomful of people, show them what a genius you are, how well you know your stuff and how much YOU CAN HELP THEM, then they want to hire you.
Easy peasy.
So what’s the sticking point? Why do so many entrepreneurs still moan about not having enough clients?
I recently asked a room full of entrepreneurs:
“If you know that speaking is the number one way to reach more people, become the go-to expert in your field, skyrocket the Kow-Like-Trust factor and get more clients…and you’re NOT speaking, why not?”
Wanna know what they said?
So that’s why I built this program. To help YOU book speaking gigs.
But here’s the thing: Getting booked is all about strategy.
It’s not just getting the gig, but it’s what happens before, during and after the gig that gets you connected to the clients you want to serve.
That’s why I created this course:
It’s a 6-week online program that will show you the steps and hold you accountable to TAKE ACTION, BUILD BIG PICTURE STRATEGY and GET OUT THERE SPEAKING.
I will show you the steps, yes.
BUT the single most important thing you need is to TAKE ACTION.
And gol darnit (yes I just said gol darnit. Cuz that’s how I roll) taking action is hard when you’re sitting at home alone and your fear and self-doubt take a gentle hold on your neck so you don’t make that call, send that email, write that speaker sheet.
You get access to to the full course right from the get-go, with bite-sized, daily action steps to move you forward. Take one baby step each day for 15-20 minutes, or do one 2 hour chunk each week. You do the work in a way that works for you, but however you work you KEEP TAKING ACTION.
PLUS: You get lifetime access to the content, so you can return to the content any time you have a new question, and you’re invited to participate each time I offer the class live.
We’re gonna make it so hard for you to weasel your way out of this one.
But just wait till the end of those 6 weeks!!!
YOUR INVESTMENT for everything you need to build your speaker strategy is $397.